
Check Bank Balance

We value the privacy and protection of your personal information. This policy “Privacy Policy/Policy”) applies to your download, access and/or use of our services (“Services”), whether on your computer, on a mobile device, (the “Platform”) or any other platform (accessible on a device or website). Your use of our Platform is governed by the Terms of Service. You are not permitted to access or use, and are required to discontinue all access to or use of, immediately, our Platform if you do not agree to the terms of this Policy or any subsequent revised version of them. In this policy, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” are references to Bank Balance Platform and Services. WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT? We collect the following data from you to enable us to provide you with our Services: Bank Balance Data Retrieval Sensitive Data: SMS information. Contact : Contact Information is used for transaction history for the app functionality to work. Such as expense details. Adverti